05 February 2014

Kraftin Kimmie Guest Designer Contest...Finals!


I made the top ten for the Kraftin' Kimmie 2014 Krafty Guest Contest featuring a Krafty Guest Designer Spot in March, I am very excited! Now the top ten have been chosen (that includes me!) and we must submit additional card(s) to compete for the guest designer spot. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed!
 I wanted to wish the other top ten contestants good luck and I thought I would post a link directly to the Kraftin Kimmie website so that you may see the other top ten contestants and what they have entered into the contest to date.  The other contestants have entered some beautiful cards and crafts, I am honored to have been chosen with them for the Kraftin Kimmie Guest Designer spot and I think we could all win at this point since all of the entries are so beautiful. xo
So...without further ado, click here to see the other contestants cards that have been entered into the contest (below are the two cards that I entered into the contest).
Thank you for looking and good luck to all of the contestants, Becky
Kraftin Kimmie
Guest Designer Contest - Finals
Card Entry No. 1
Kraftin Kimmie
Guest Designer Contest - Finals
Card Entry No. 2
Kraftin Kimmie
Top Ten Finals
Guest Designer Contest
(for March 2014)

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I treasure and read each one. ~xo~ Becky