01 February 2014

Kraftin Kimmie Guest Designer...I'm a Top Ten Finalist

Actual Post Date: January 27, 2014


I'm so excited.  Yeah!  Na...Na...Na...I'm doing the happy dance!

I was selected as a top ten in the Kraftin Kimmie Guest Designer Contest. 

Now, onto the finals.  The final round, yikes!  Kraftin Kimmie has selected ten people, I can't believe I was one of the lucky one's.  There were so many good card entries.  I am so flattered and honored to have been chosen. 

Now...I have to submit cards again and then from the ten finalists Kraftin Kimmie will select three people who will be the Kraftin Kimmie Guest Designers for March 2014. 

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Wish me luck! xo
I'm a Finalist....
Kraftin Kimmie Top Ten Finalist
for Guest Designer Spot

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