05 March 2014

Loves Rubber Stamps...Design Team Favorite Card...I Was Selected! Yeah!

Good News!
My card was selected as a Design Team Favorite for week 91 within the Loves Rubber Stamps Challenge Blog by Design Team Member Laura Lunsford.
I am so happy and feel honored to have my card chosen. 
If you want to check it out, click here.  Also, here is the card info on my blog, click here.
I want to send out a big thank you to Laura for selecting my card and for her nice comment:
Laura Said: adorable image and really talented coloring going on here.  Plus the gears are too cute!
Thanks for stopping by and best wishes to you all, Becky


  1. Awwwww, thanks Becky! You so deserved it, your card is amazing! Hope to see you again soon!

  2. Yay for you, Becky! Wonderful news (and just quietly, it doesn't surprise me at all!!)


Thank you for your comment!
I treasure and read each one. ~xo~ Becky