10 February 2018


Good Morning!
This year I attended the Creativation CHA 2018 craft show!
It was an honor to attend as a guest of LDRS Creative (Little Darlings),
as well as catch up with old friends and meet some amazing new one's.
 I was lucky enough to attend last year too (check out CHA 2017 here and here).
Below are just a few pics from the show, enjoy!

Angie Hunt LDRS Owner (she's stunning in person!) and me

Kathy Dobson, Angie Hunt (LDRS owner),
Nikky Hall (Polkadoodles Owner),
Stephanie Beauchemin and me

Stephanie Beauchemin and me


Nikky Hall (Polkadoodles owner) and me

Kathy Dobson and me
This year I illustrated (2) band new sets for LDRS CREATIVE which include...
KITTEN CABOODLE  and  PUPPY TIME stamp sets with matching dies.
Here's a peek at the booth and all of the upcoming new LDRS products!
Released at CHA 2018!  ~  Brand New and Available Soon at LDRS CREATIVE



Thank you for taking a peek; I hope you enjoyed CHA 2018!
Also! I was lucky enough to attend CHA 2017; pics are here and here.
Happy crafting to you all, Becky

1 comment:

  1. Blogs have been pivotal in showcasing and promoting creative talents, such as writers, artists, photographers Digital Website Delhi and musicians, allowing them to gain recognition and a broader audience for their work.


Thank you for your comment!
I treasure and read each one. ~xo~ Becky