
My First Card...awwww, how cute

Actual Post Date: October 11, 2012

Hello!  Welcome to my new blog!

I can't thank you enough for stopping by.  I know what you are thinking, where is the candy...don't worry it's coming and since this is my new blog it will be good!  Thanks for your patience.  This is one of the very first cards I ever created.  I made it for the Sunshine Kids, which is an organization that provides cards to ill children; I love their organization and send them cards often.  What a difference from my cards today.  Thanks again for looking and best wishes. xo
Card Front
Card Inside

1 comment:

  1. I am not to god on comments because my english is not to good. But i have been reading true your whole blog, and i am loving it. You now have a new follower ;-) And i am really loooking forward to see more from you in the future. Wish you had blogloving, because it is so much easyer to follow there ;-) Just a tip :-)


Thank you for your comment!
I treasure and read each one. ~xo~ Becky

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