I think today is a great day to remember the most important thing in life...LOVE.
Below are just a few of some of the greatest love stories of all time,
to remind us all that true love does exist and can be obtained by anyone.
I encourage you to Google 'great love stories' and you will be inspired!
I think these stories show us all that love beyond our wildest dreams is possible...
for anyone who really (really) wants it and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it.
I wish you all, each and every one of you, your very own forever love story.
Life is so short, why not make it beautiful...and full of love.
The love story that inspired Shakespeare and resulted in both their deaths.
She was the last Pharaoh of Egypt and he was a Roman general.
The two plotted together and attempted to take over Rome, but were thwarted.
In desperation, Cleopatra spread rumors of her suicide.
Mark Antony, unaware of her plan and devastated by the loss, committed suicide.
When Cleopatra heard, she took her own life by causing a poisonous snake bite.
Tragic Love in its greatest form.

It's said that you can tell a lot from how a couple take photographs together.
In every picture I found, Frida and Diego were touching and looked loving with one another.
Frida and Diego are both famous artists who still resonate to this day.
Frida was in a tragic bus crash early in life;
she suffered with immense pain and various physical problems daily,
this influenced her art and paintings, which have been described as a 'ribbon around a bomb'.
Her art moves me to tears sometimes and you can feel her pain in nearly every painting.
Frida and Diego had a volatile relationship and marriage,
for example they divorced and then remarried less than a year later!
Salma Hayek starred in a movie awhile ago called "Frida" about her life.
It's one of my all time favorite's and I would highly recommend it.
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert married out of duty, but fell deeply in love.
The couple were very devoted to one another and had 9 children.
21 years into their marriage Prince Albert passed away;
Queen Victoria mourned his passing for 40 years and requested that when she died
his nightgown and a mold of his hand be placed next to her hand within her casket.
Brian Wilson is the frontman for the Beach Boys musical band,
he met Melinda Ledbetter when she was selling cars at a dealership.
I recently saw the movie "Love & Mercy" which portrays their lives;
I don't want to give the plot away because it was spectacular...
but Melinda originally walked away from Brian, Beach Boys fame and his money.
She knew within her heart that he could be a better man and
she would not settle for any less, it changed both of their lives for the better.
It shows that everyone (even the rich and famous) sometimes face big obstacles, but
if you truly love someone, you will do whatever it takes to be with them forever.
They've been happily married for over 22 years now.
If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it...it's a must see!
King Edward did something monarchs aren't allowed to do...fall in love.
He didn't just fall in love, he fell for an American, who was married and already twice divorced.
After less than a year as king, he abdicated his throne to marry the woman he loved.
At the time, the country was in the grips of possible war with the Nazis
and his brother was ill-equipped...he had a stutter and was not groomed to be king.
I think this love story shows that even when things look bleakest they can turn out amazingly well.
King Edward happily married Wallis and his brother turned out to be a great king.
Both were incredibly talented country music stars...
and they were actually married to other people when they met.
They eventually married and made music together for over 35 years,
deeply in love...they died less than 4 months apart.
Actress Reese Witherspoon starred in the movie "Walk the Line"
an amazing portrayal of the couple and their life together.
The love that inspired this story must have been epic.
Just a few of my favorite quotes from the book are:
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I treasure and read each one. ~xo~ Becky